Install and configure Modmail

Install Modmail

In order to install Modmail start by writing

git clone

Go to the Modmail by running

cd modmail

Configure Modmail

To paste text in PuTTY just right click or press Shift+Insert

Start by renaming the .env.example file by using

mv .env.example .env

Edit your .env file by running

sudo nano .env

In TOKEN paste your bot token that you created in Making Bot Application In OWNERS paste the ID of all the users that will have owner priviledges. In GUILD_ID paste the ID of your server In MODMAIL_GUILD_ID paste the ID where modmail will sent threads In CONNECTION_URI enter your MongoDB connection URI In LOG_URL enter your logviewer link

To save your changes press Ctrl+X. On save modified buffer type Y. When File Name to Write: appears press enter.

Start Modmail

Using Pipenv

First type

pipenv install

Finally run it by using

pipenv run bot

To start your bot using PM2 run

pm2 start --name "modmail" && pm2 save && pm2 startup

Congratulations! You now have a working Modmail.

Currently there are no tested methods to selfhost logviewer so if you like you can use railway for logviewer.

Last updated